Hi everyone! I'm asking for prayer as God has given me the job to homeschool all three of my kiddos this coming year! My eldest is autistic and my girls are new to the homeschooling thing...minus COVID school. LOL. My prayer request is that I just found out Im having a hysterectomy the last week in July. Gods timing is amazing but I feel the need to Prep for September now so that I can heal in peace. Please pray for focus as I prep... I'm a rabbit trail girl especially with GRH. Pray for the details for care. Our autism situation means few people can watch our kids safely. Pray they don't find cancer! Thank you! I'm praying your coming homeschool year will be a great blessing to you and your families! Jayme

Posted by Homeschool; Autism; Life! at 2020-06-22 05:54:45 UTC