Hey homeschoolers. I figured this may be a good place for prayer requests. I have been homeschooling my boys for 7 years now. This upcoming school year I will be doing a missionary midwifery school while my husband Homeschool’s our boys. I know God gave us Gather Round for an easy transition. We are also expecting a little girl at the beginning of September. So, we have a move, a baby, mommy going to school, and daddy learning to homeschool all at the same time. It’s a lot, but I know it’s Gods plan. Lots of details still need to be worked out in the next month. Prayers for a smooth transition and sanity for my husband and I as we trust God as it’s getting down to the wire. Thanks! 😉

Posted by jjblazer96 at 2020-06-22 19:39:00 UTC