Hello! I put together a Trello board template for a basic 4- year plan for high school. I grouped the units that generally fall under the history and science focuses needed for high school graduation. You can customize this by moving any card or group around, or add to it and adapt it to your family’s needs. When Year 4 comes out it will potentially change things up too! The credit breakdown card is there for you to jot down credits per year as a visual but will be unique to your student and the time they spend on each unit. You can refer to the FAQ section of the GR website for credits awarded for a full year (about 7 units) of GR. Have fun! https://trello.com/b/q4f8GSrj/gather-round-homeschool-high-school-4-year-plan
Posted by Darcy Griffin at 2021-07-23 17:42:11 UTC