Hi there! I am in need of a little guidance with math. We homeschooled last year and are starting Gather Round this year. We struggled with math last year and only made it through a little over 1/2. I finally switched the math at that point from Math Mammoth to Abeka and my kids seemed to do better with that, however, going from mastery to spiral really threw us off. We finally just took summer break after such a draining experience and I’m just not quite sure where to start back up. Don’t know if we should continue where we left off or have a fresh start and try something different. I have been looking at the type of learner’s they are and think it might be beneficial to change again... but I just don’t know. Any input would be so greatly appreciated! By the way, I have soon to be 10 year old, an 8 year old, a 6 year old and a 4 year old. Thanks tons! Lindsey
Posted by Lindsey Doan at 2021-08-12 03:34:19 UTC