Everywhere we look are images we can compare our homes & spaces to. At this time for year for me, homeschool groups are also filled with styled photos of pretty spaces, filled with beautiful resources, awaiting little hands that will use them. I see them & it looks entirely unfamiliar. Then doubt & discontentment creep in. How do people create that? How do they maintain it? I don't have an eye for pretty things. I lean hard towards practical & functional! And, our house bears that stamp. Usually it doesn't bother me, until the repetition of seeing what others puts together & I begin to think what I have or do isn't enough. So for anyone who feels like me, here's pictures of real life. I plan to declutter soon, but it won't look much different. Just the same things in their proper places so we can find what we need when we need it. Here's what real life living looks like. It's 5 kids who take things off the shelf: use, play with, enjoy, and try to put back. Sometimes it's me picking up off the floor and tossing anywhere it fits on my way by with a different task at hand. When I started to intentionally prioritize people over things, a big shift happened. That clutter or chaos or mess or whatever you want to call it means we have been living and loving and enjoying what we have been given with the people we have to do so. Now, if you're a styled mom, I admire your talent & I'm not attributing my *things over people* problems to you because of your beautiful home. We all have different gifts! So whatever end of the spectrum you're on, I hope this reminds you that living with our people is far more than an image. Contentment, joy, and peace don't come from things or even people. They come from God! So when you focus on who He is & what He's given you to have & do, the focus becomes sharper on what truly matters & the "messy" peripheral fades. We can give him glory, thanks & worship in all the spaces he's placed us! Happy fall/life/school year planning & prepping and living & loving!
Posted by emilypuklicz at 2021-08-16 20:59:02 UTC