Wow! Just listened to podcast: It’s not that hard to homeschool high school. The guest suggested that if you have a creative teen, you should let them do their creative work first rather than insisting they get their “school work” done first; using the creative work as a reward (drawing, creative writing, crafting, etc) Her point was that creative personalities thrive when they are able to use their creativity. If they are given a window of time to be creative, then their other schoolwork will be at a much higher level. It kind of reminds me of sending my very active kids outside to play first thing in the morning, before starting the day. I may try giving the option of music practice first thing, instead of last. Just thought I’d share. Curious what your thoughts are. Do you do this with your teens? Do they do their subjects in a particular order, or are they aloud to chose?

Posted by Wonder Academy at 2021-08-25 23:09:46 UTC