Question re: Middle School notebooks progression … My oldest son is 12.5yrs old and I am keeping him at Upper Elementary because of the level of writing and research required in Middle School. We are just working through Year 1- have completed almost 8 full units 🤩 and started our homeschooling journey last year after leaving the public system . After 6 years in school, I was never made aware my oldest son struggled with writing and reading comprehension ☹️ I have been working on the Middle School notebooks alongside my kids and it’s a lot of writing - I love it because I’m a research and writing nerd - but my boys HATE writing and have zero clue how to research . Moving forward I’d love to move my son up to Middle School because of the more in-depth concepts being taught BUT… - what’s the research and writing load comparison between Year 1 and 2 Middle School Notebooks ? Thanks a bunch ! Writing and research causes tears in our house … I am starting slow and building up the confidence (ie. writing good descriptive sentences —> move to a good descriptive paragraph —> write a 3 paragraph summary of a historical figure we read about etc )

Posted by Ewa L at 2021-10-03 05:09:25 UTC