I’m here for the encouragement part 😔 I have completely lost my mojo (momma joy 😉) we hit this school year running the first week of August with Europe. It was amazing! We made homemade Russian cheese ya’ll! We were enjoying every minute of it! Then….COVID. And in the middle of COVID, a cat 4 hurricane, a week with no electricity, and then a tropical storm that flooded two of my kids rooms through our damaged roof! (The roof was damaged NOT by the storm, but by the construction crew adding a mother in law suite to my house) Which means 4 kids with nowhere to put their beds, ripping out Sheetrock, replacing floors… 4 kids sharing a room and 4 kids clothes crammed into my closet. We already live in 1500 sq ft! And, the roof leaked two more times since the first one. And, they still haven’t finished the job so that my kids can have bedrooms again! 😡 Add to all that craziness- no internet for 6 weeks after the storm. Which means school at the library every day! We are finally back to school at home and nothing seems to be going right. The kids are bucking the system because there has been no consistency! Every day feels like a roll of the dice. I can’t get the rest of Africa to print for my middle schooler. I finally got the rest of my high schoolers, but have been trying to get ms for two weeks now. Won’t print! To be perfectly honest, I’m over it. The kids are doing math, reading and working on their projects for co-op. My two littles have an hour with me because they are learning to read. My 5th grader has me for another hour because he has dyslexia (Oh, yeah, we are also in the middle of an evaluation with the school board and they have me doing 4 different interventions with him) At this point I can’t even pray. No words come out. Just “HELP!” I know there are people dealing with way worse situations and I am so thankful for my family. But I’m so frustrated.

Posted by Wonder Academy at 2021-10-18 20:22:02 UTC