Hello fellow mamas! I could use some help and any words of wisdom that you may have. I have a 3, 8, and 10 yo. The 3 yo is adopted (has been with us since he was 10 months) and has massive separation anxiety. We decided to put him in preschool this year, to see if it would help with his social-ness and whatnot. It's a wonderful school that both of my other kiddos went to, but last week he started refusing to eat snack at preschool because "I didn't give it to him". This makes me super nervous. A bit of crying at drop off feels normal, this doesn't. Any thoughts? We are considering bringing him home, but honestly I also feel super nervous about keeping him entertained while working with the other two. Any thoughts? Thank you!!!

Posted by Deleted (a6cf2245) at 2021-10-20 18:26:44 UTC