Hi Everyone, I’m new here. I’ve been researching and watching videos of GR for a while now. I want to use it for my two (7th and 5th). It sounds exactly what I want their education to include🧡. I believe in learning outside the box and completely going against the ways of the public education system 🙃 I want my kids to enjoy learning again and so far what we have done, is just the equivalent of PS at home. Anyways, the one thing that scares me the most is making transcripts. It is the one and only thing stopping me from using GR, because I’m just so nervous about it. I have watched Darcy’s video twice and read through this whole feed. I do have a better grasp of it, thanks to all that have shared. I know I am 2 years away from my oldest needing to keep track of credits, but I want to be prepared. I don’t want to fail at this and I don’t want to fail them. My question is this, Darcy laid out an amazing 4 year plan (and I know there are many more units to come), but my plan is to take these last 6 years for my oldest and go slowly through the 4 years of GR (spread them out over 6 years) Enjoy them and dig deep with them as much as we can. I would like to not repeat any if at all possible 🤪 . I’m just afraid that I won’t do them in the right order to make a transcript that makes sense. If we go in any order now, will I still be able to make a transcript make any sense? It’s just so overwhelming for me to think about. Sorry, it this is confusing and long…just trying to place my worries into words. I want to have the freedom of going in any order and still be able to place it in a transcript. Thanks to everyone for reading this long post. I know I’m probably over-thinking it!
Posted by Deleted (9780c411) at 2021-11-07 21:41:52 UTC