Friends, Does anyone have experience with your husband not wanting to attend church? He and I both grew up in church, went to/met at a Christian University and worked Church jobs for the first 6+ years of our marriage. We have been out of the church sphere for 5 years now, as we took a break after working and being paid employees and then helping to plant a new church. We both had a lot of healing to do these past 5 years and admittedly, it's still hard to go to church because we know what happens behind the scenes. However, I'm really starting to feel the tug of wanting to get back into the fellowship of believers. I want an older mentor, I want my kids in church, I want to leave my house and worship on a Sunday morning. But, my husband has zero desire for any of that. How do I navigate this? Do I just pack up the kids and I and trek to church on a Sunday morning? Do I stick home out of respect for my husband? (Honestly, he would go to church if I MADE him... he wouldn't fight it but he wouldn't like it either). I'm just looking for prayer/advice/maybe experience from other women? Thanks ❤

Posted by Deleted (bc166206) at 2022-01-10 01:32:12 UTC