Hey y’all! I’m receiving major negativity and judgement choosing to homeschool my children and would love any encouragement/advice from you (those who have gone before me) have in this! I am confident that God has called me to provide this for our family. I’m a newbie to homeschooling - I’m a devoted single mama of 3 and all 3 are home with me everyday: 7 months, 9&11 years - I’m working from home (hopefully perm). We have lost a lot of support in our community & family since quarantine in March so I can’t rely on others much and I don’t. God has provided in so many ways and it’s been amazing to see his hand in allowing my homeschooling dreams to come true amidst the chaos of this season. Thank you for your insight!! Blessings ♥️

Posted by ourcastleinthesky at 2020-07-14 00:06:26 UTC