Our second week of travel has been far different from our first. We arrived in Texas after a solid week of driving trying to beat the freezing temperatures, and settled in to stay for a bit. We met some people, camped, finally filled up with water so that we were camping "for real" and started to fix the little things that were already going wrong: broken cupboards, playing with water pressure, figuring out our AC. There has been some tension as the daily adventures have subsided a bit and we have settled into just day-to-day camping life. Space is limited, we don't have a bunch of toys or bikes or fun things with us, but we are settling. Like the steam shooting out of an instant pot, things are slowly but surely equalizing as we figure out this new normal. Stay tuned for our other weekly updates. More to come! BTW, this video was created by my 14 year old son. I'm putting the kids to work! #gatherroundtour2022 Request to see us: https://forms.gle/buGSzMjGh9wd2yhk6

Posted by Rebecca at Gather 'Round at 2022-02-24 17:24:31 UTC