We are newer to Gather Round, we've been doing Inventions as a unit study for my oldest (10yr old boy). We are struggling with him- mostly attitudes toward school in general. Overall, I love homeschool (we also have an 8 yr old girl and 5yr old boy), they both do pretty well with school but my oldest..ooof. He is strong willed and hard to deal with/discipline, etc. He has been like this forever, nothing new. But it is stressful, and it makes our homeschool day not much fun. I find myself skipping the "fun" stuff just to make sure we get through the "core" subjects. I have this beautiful picture in my head of what I want our homeschool to be but I just can't make it happen. We pray about this all the time. And his attitudes and behavior is not just about school, it's all the time. What can I do? Any been there done that mom's want to mentor me? We have been considering looking to sending him back to public thinking maybe he needs friends his own age. We are newer to the town we live near (rural) so he hasn't been to this school before. But I don't want to throw in the towel too quickly, but I also want to make sure we are doing what's best for him.

Posted by Deleted (a8aba6f0) at 2022-02-25 17:46:57 UTC