I’ve decided that taking 2 (sometimes 3) days to complete a single lesson, is ok. I have a middle and high school student, as well as a toddler and 3 year old. We were trying to complete a lesson per day, but were missing out on so much!! My kids love to follow rabbit trails! They love looking up extra info. Reading extra books. There’s SO MUCH in a single lesson! And it’s ok to DIG IN AND SLOW DOWN! We’re still spending the same amount of time to do the work, but we’re slowing down and really chewing it, savoring it. This has proven to be some of the sweetest learning moments for my kids. To watch their eyes light up and be engaged. Not just memorizing facts but ENJOYING what they’re learning. We are currently doing North America and LOVING IT! So to the Momma who is stressing that maybe you won’t finish 7-10 units in a year (🙋🏻‍♀️) It’s ok!!! Teach them to LOVE learning. That will get them farther than zooming through and missing the ‘moments’. ♥️♥️

Posted by arcarter985 at 2022-03-03 16:08:27 UTC