Help me think “outside the box”!!! 🚨 I have an almost 13yo who, as a general rule “hates school but loves GR”. I really have to think “outside the box” with this child. She has natural writing abilities and is actually working on writing (and hopes to publish) her own story. She’s been working on this story over a year. I’ve had her doing Essentials in Writing this year and she HATES it. Every day it’s a struggle. Basically, I think she’s bored with it and she sees no purpose in doing the lessons each day. Is there anything out there that I could get to help her with her endeavors to publish this book?!?! I’m thinking about going totally “outside the box” with her next school year and letting her LA be focused on writing her book. She’s said she wants to be an author when she grows up, so I might as well help her grow and develop these skills, right?!? Having her do Essentials in Writing seems pointless and like “busywork” to her. Is there a curriculum (or resource) that might would help her with developing characters, literary language, grammar, etc. Like I said, a lot of this comes naturally to her but I feel like I should find *something* to help her develop & grow her writing skills….and it doesn’t necessarily need to be curriculum! Any ideas / suggestions???

Posted by Elaine S at 2022-03-15 15:01:22 UTC