Admin- if this isn’t allowed please delete. Can we have a conversation on standardized testing. For my state we have to do standardized testing yearly for my kids (after age 7)I’ve used a few companies over the years and we do the CAT test. We had to Choose when I did my intent to homeschool last year at the start of the school year so I don’t think I can change that this year. I’ve used more than one company to order from (one has gone out of business) but I’m curious what other people do for testing if your state requires. I ordered 2/3 tests for my kids old enough I need to test so looking for input. Thinking it might be good to hear from others. We have always done paper tests but curious to hear input. A friend mentioned the Peabody testing to me in the past but I haven’t tried it yet. What tests does everyone else recommend? So recommendations? And does anyone have a dyslexic kid, he is my one I haven’t ordered a test for yet.
Posted by Heather K at 2022-03-19 20:15:10 UTC