Well you guys, as you probably noticed, I removed this afternoons video. My heart just couldn’t take it being there. If you missed it, I spent the whole first half holding back tears and just was struggling to be excited. Yes, that was real. Yes, I am struggling under the pressure right now. BUT, I never want anyone to feel emotionally manipulated or to steal the joy of what God is doing because even in the storms… He is moving. Side note, if anyone knows of a piano in an empty sanctuary in their church near Dallas area that would let a worshipper come and just be alone for a day, I feel like that is what I need more than anything else. I haven’t had that since our barn burnt down and I need to just write music and let the notes speak the things in my heart. I need me some alone time with Jesus to revive my weary soul. But even if I don’t find a piano, God will meet me without the music. That’s just who He is. I fall, He picks me up. I don’t do this all well all the time. I sometimes feel pressed and crushed, persecuted and abandoned. But my feelings are not reality. And again He picks me up and is my strength when I have none.

Posted by Rebecca at Gather 'Round at 2022-04-06 01:49:05 UTC