Hello! I’m trying to find some read alouds for the summer. We’re not doing school over the next two months but still want to read. The problem is my boys don’t like the same types of books. My 7 year old likes slow moving old adventure books -Swallows & Amazons, Wind in the Willows, Sugar Creek Gang. My 9 year old likes more fast paced adventures (Narnia, Andrew Peterson’s series). 9 is bored with 7s picks & 7 is scared during 9s picks. They’ve started refusing to listen if I’m reading the other’s choice. What do I do? Force them to listen? Read to only one or the other (what I’m doing now.) Do you have any ideas of books I could read to both?

Posted by Deleted (983c61ca) at 2022-06-27 01:42:37 UTC