Hi there! I need advice and maybe suggestions… I have 5 kids ( 4 schooling and a 1 yr old) and I work from home full time as well. We bought our house 5 years ago when it was just 4 kids and we were at school and work all day. So now the house isn’t working well as it’s a smaller ranch and the main living area is kind of one big space. I tried setting up our office/school space in our finished basement but found I was absolutely miserable in a basement all day. Now I work at my coffee table and kids school at the kitchen table or couch. I really need a separate space as we have big family dinners every weekend and the computer and eco tank and all the school stuff are taking over. Any ideas or advice or cheap changes I could make?? Thank you!! Picture of my dining area - as you can see my server is full of school tech!! Also don’t mind the dirty floor - this was after lunch and I hadn’t cleaned up yet!

Posted by buchman7 at 2022-07-06 00:17:36 UTC