Hey Lovely ladies!!! As I know that all of us are either starting to prepare for fall/back to school or have schooled year around, like myself, we are always tweaking things (or at least for me it is a never ending cycle haha). I am starting to look at schedules, planners for the kids (I have an add/adhd kiddo that LOVES to check off his list), ect. I would love to see what yall are doing. From looping schedules (we have never done more than one unit study at a time before but would love to start this year), block scheduling, planners you love for both adults and kiddos (because lets be real.... we are all planner addicts ;) , even websites or extras you just love! Bonus points if you have pictures!
Posted by Sarah.Rummel88 at 2022-07-12 16:50:15 UTC