Hi friends! I am Meagan and am one of your moderators here. 🥰 I live in Southern California and am a mom of 4 children, 2 with special needs. My oldest child is 10 (in 2 days) and is high functioning autistic, and my second son who is 8, has cerebral palsy and autism. My 8 year old is completely non-verbal and relies on AAC for his communication needs and other electronic devices to help him write/type/communicate as his entire right side is weak and limits his mobility and function. After years of battling the school district and due process and sitting in countless IEP meetings, I knew God was calling me to homeschool. While every day brings new challenges, Gather Round has brought a new life to our homeschooling. We are forever grateful and I look forward to getting to know all of you and sharing ideas, tips, tricks, and motivation!

Posted by Meagan Walker at 2020-05-27 05:58:14 UTC