This resource popped into my mind today and I thought I really needed to share it with all my homeschool families. I am not sure if fairs and fairgrounds are only a Southern thing? I would assume not. Anyways, at our fairgrounds about twice a year our county library has a booth and they sell thousands of discounted books. These are books that people have donated to the library that didn’t make the cut for whatever reason, books that they had multiple of or that the library is just cycling out. DVDs and all sorts of other resources are also sold. Ours is priced at $1 and under. Most of which are always about $.50-75. When I say it’s like Christmas on that day for a homeschool mom it’s an understatement, ha ha. Maybe you all have something similar local to you that you could look into and ask your librarian. I have found countless gorgeous books/movies for my entire family. And bonus, when we are finished with them I donate them to local families or charities.
Posted by Deleted (b1b90f21) at 2022-08-17 14:31:55 UTC