We are 3 lessons into Human Body. Our first unit. My high schoolers are bored. No super interesting facts. They "know it all". They don't feel challenged and it shows. This is our only curriculum besides math. I don't want more but I need to find a way to engage them. I feel like it's very elementary geared. Maybe that's just so far? But what can I do to give them more. (The workbook pages are not grasping them either. 😩) I got some poem writing out of them which was great but otherwise I'm pulling teeth. That's not what I want with this!!! It's fabulous for my 7yo he loves it. My 6 and 4yo run away when it's time to read but they love the other activities. 17 and 15yo are annoyed and bored. (I did do a guess who game for them but they are not happy about it...) 😩 Help. Please!
Posted by Deleted (4bb56d2b) at 2022-08-23 03:27:41 UTC