Hello new friends ! I was told about gather round through a friend but she only heard about it through a friend as well so Im doing a-lot of digging and loving what I’m finding but feeling overwhelmed. I have two high schoolers starting 9th grade and we just moved from Tennessee to Florida. Can anyone point me in the right direction to learn how to keep a transcript and to figure out what credits they would need to meet the requirements for state of Florida? Ive heard about an umbrella called Florida unschoolers and also a group called FPEA that allows them to have a diploma and graduation? Does anyone live in Florida and is an experienced homeschool mom of highschoolers that would be willing to offer useful info . Im hoping to get started ysing gather round for everything and add a math just after labor day so im stressing!!
Posted by Deleted (78f4f5e0) at 2022-08-27 14:20:20 UTC