Hi Everyone! My name is Larah and I have 2 boys. My oldest is 10 and has autism. He was born 15 weeks early and only weighed 1 pound 9 oz. at birth. Due to his prematurity and the things that he went through at birth he has super sensitivity issues. He went to a public school for kindergarten and first grade and it was just not going to work. So this is my second year homeschooling but we have reading issues. My youngest is turning 5 next month and is a pretty typical little boy. I am just starting to do “pre-school” activity’s with him. I am pretty new to gather’round. I have 3 units bought, and saving up to get more. I am in the process right now of trying to decide how I am setting up my next school year. My goal is to have my oldest reading over Summer. I have had that reading goal for so long now, but he has been that kid for me. He walked late talked late etc. But when he has done these things it just happened and he took off. I have loved reading so many of other peoples introduction. Hopefully I can make friends who know the struggles and grind and the joy and blessings of having to school different even in a homeschool world. 💕

Posted by larahwilson at 2020-05-27 07:04:34 UTC