We are having trouble getting this answer for lesson one of Entrepreneurship math. We are multiplying 150 shares by $21.25 a share. Our answer equals an initial cost of $3187.50, but the TG says $318.75. Does the TG have an error or do we? 😅 Math is not my strong suit! Then, for the second part of question 1 being current Earnings/ Losses: we found the difference between current price per share and initial investment being $10.16 ($31.41 - $21.25= $10.16). So then wouldn’t the answer be 150 shares times $10.16 difference to equal $1524 earnings? I guess I don’t know if the TG has an error or I / we are interpreting the math problem incorrectly. Thanks!

Posted by Liz Thompson at 2022-10-04 14:27:12 UTC