Our latest newsletter and Gather 'Round Podcast Episode #5: Confidence is out! Check your emails or see the latest newsletter here: https://gatherroundhomeschool.ck.page/posts/a-new-podcast-a-live-with-a-topic-and-everything-and-more Click below to listen to Gather 'Round with Rebecca Spooner Episode #5: Confidence. Do you struggle with confidence? Do you feel like a wave blown and tossed by the winds of the many different opinions and perspectives that you are faced with? Are you often uncertain or plagued with doubt and insecurity? In this episode, Rebecca shares her life passage and the invitation she feels we have as Christians to rise up and walk in maturity—to stop looking to the world for affirmation, confirmation, or qualification, and start learning how to hear God’s voice and discern for ourselves. Whether you are insecure about your homeschool decisions, your theology, your marriage, your parenting, or anything else, this one’s for you! Easy Time Code Guide 00:20 Intro 1:00 Insecurities, doubt and lies from the enemy 2:50 Rebecca shares her testimony and walk with Jesus in various stages of life 6:14 There’s got to be more than this 8:00 Wrestling with who I am and who the world says I am 9:40 How do we walk in confidence in every aspect of our lives? 11:50 Rebecca shares some life verses (1 Timothy 4:12 and Hebrews 5:11-6:1) 14:25 How to grow in confidence #1: Hear His voice and discern 17:00 God delights in using the unexpected 19:50 None of us are without faults 24:00 Don’t walk in fear (Pray, read, talk, and grow) 26:47 How to grow in confidence #2: Know who you are in Him 29:09 Rebecca shares a story of how God spoke to her through the story of the tortoise and the hare 31:53 How to grow in confidence #3: Grow roots and stand firm 34:44 God is calling us to rise up 38:00 Prayer 39:20 Rebecca gives some details for the Gather ‘Round Canadian Retreat on Oct. 21-22, 2022 and the US Gather ‘Round Retreat information (April 20-23, 2023). You can find out more details on these and other conventions that Rebecca will be at here: https://gatherroundhomeschool.com/pages/retreats-and-conventions

Posted by Rebecca at Gather 'Round at 2022-10-12 19:23:50 UTC