Hi everyone. Im the blessed mama of four children. Our oldest daughter is 11 and is our micro preemie miracle. She was born at 23w5d and weighed 1 pound 2 oz. She came into foster care at 6 months old after 5 months in the NICU. At the time her doctors gave us a very overwhelming list of all the things we would most likely be faced with due to her extreme prematurity. But our God is greater and NONE of the things they warned us about has been an issue. After 3 years in ECSE and 1 in kindergarten at the public school where my husband taught we realized the disabilities she does have would be better handled at home so we started homeschooling when she was 6. She is very high functioning ASD with sensory processing disorder and has worked on learning strategies to deal with various learning disabilities, ADD and a coordination disorder. Sorry this was long winded, but my daughter is amazing and I not only learn so much from her strength and persistence but I have also learned so much about the grace and mercy of God through her. In addition to all of this, we are still foster parents so we may at various times have other children in our family that have special needs.

Posted by Christi Parker at 2020-05-27 11:55:48 UTC