Hey friends! I’m needing some recommendations. I am wanting a new Bible for Christmas to start trying to journaling and note taking in. (I don’t like writing in my current Bible because it has thin pages that bled and it was a high school graduation gift from the church it was born into and I no longer live near that church so it’s sentimental to me). I want this new Bible to have thick pages so the highlighting and pen marks don’t bleed through to the page to the words on the back side. I would also love places in the margins to have places to write. Not a necessity but would be nice to “study Bible” that helps give context, has maps, breaks stuff down for the readers. Hopefully I am not being too specific with my search and y’all can help me find something that isn’t going to cost an arm and leg 🤞🏼

Posted by mrsgillenwater at 2022-11-19 15:04:29 UTC