Our latest newsletter and Gather 'Round Podcast Episode #7: Undone is out! Check your emails or see the latest newsletter here: https://gatherroundhomeschool.ck.page/posts/ready-for-a-new-unit Click below to listen to Gather 'Round with Rebecca Spooner Episode #7: Undone. Today’s podcast episode is all about the heart: The power of a heart that has been unraveled and is weak so that He can be strong. Whether you are walking through a season of being undone or just feeling desensitized and not even realizing how hard you have become, God seems to be highlighting to be a recurring theme of the heart. Hear some real stories of the power of compassion and gentleness as Rebecca shares some of her victories and failures, and walk away with hope in the midst of your storm, or a call to action to rise up and engage in the battle that you are most assuredly in—whether you are engaging in it or not. “Be strong and very courageous,” it’s time to fight!
Posted by Rebecca at Gather 'Round at 2022-11-23 16:14:24 UTC