Moms of teenagers, any advice ? We have homeschooled now for 3 years - prior to that, both of my boys attended a private school. Fast forward to now, my sweet kid has turned into a rebellious groaning temper tantrum being 🤪 He is one of only a few handful of homeschooled boys his age in my area and his core group of friends are his old school friends . He has been on us for weeks to go back to school, get social media , get snap chat and Instagram because he’s being pressured by his friends to get it . I presume there is some name calling involved that he’s a sissy for doing what his parents tell him to do . We are refusing to give in - I don’t believe he needs an app that was initially invented for sexting as it does not store any text messages. As long as we are paying for his phone he will not have it . I’m trying my best to look for answers in the Bible, do Bible studies with them, school etc but lately he refuses ti even do stuff With us and mopes around all day . Lately he’s declared he doesn’t care what he does in homeschool because he’s going to go back to school anyways. It’s really been a time of testing for both my husband and and I but luckily we are aligned in our views . We are in that tricky phase where the views are the world are perceived as Gold and those of parents are stupid and outdated. I remember being there . Trying ti find that right balance of understanding and acknowledging his feelings but still having the final say. Prayers appreciated . 🙏
Posted by Ewa L at 2023-01-20 05:06:59 UTC