Posting for a group member: UPDATE: We did get a mold test done. There is mold in the house. But not the horrible dreaded black mold that's so bad, thankfully. Keep praying though. We got qualified for a program that will help us to get our first house! It will be brand new. We won't know how our health is until we get out of here... obviously. Asking for prayer. We've lived at our house for about 8 years now (renting from long time family friends, no contract) This last year we have all been so sick, (my husband and I and the 5 kids, 12, 7, 5, 2 and 1) like constantly. Colds, stomach bug, more colds, more vomiting just goes on and on. All the kids have food in tolerances (minutes the baby who just turned 1) the baby was hospitalized for a few days around Christmas because of bronchialitis. My 5 yr old has eczema and behavior issues. Anyway, we found some black stuff growing under the upstairs bathroom sink which has led us to want to remodel the upstairs bathroom (haven't done that yet) we knew it was mold just don't know how bad.. Anyway last night we discovered it's also on the ceiling downstairs as well.. so we decided to look under the kitchen sink and noticed moisture under some stuff we had in there. So we decided to lift up a board and there's mold there too. With renting from friends it's hard to withhold rent and make them fix it.. also, with how much mold is likely we'd need to be else where while it's being fixed anyway. We are going to look into options on getting it cleaned up, and we will just pay for it and take it out of rent costs.. but what if it's so bad we can't stay here anymore. We're almost positive it's black mold... we're trying to get out of this place and get our own but we're living off one income and can't afford a mortgage. I know God will open doors for us. I know things will work, even if it's us living in a tiny place for a few months. But man this is hard... just please pray for us. Thanks for reading my ranting. Feeling defeated.

Posted by Niquelle at 2023-05-01 15:42:13 UTC