Today is the day. My little boy, the one who made me a mom is graduating. The one who I labored with for 4 days before they almost lost us both and he arrived via c-section healthy and 21.5 inches long! Now 6'4 he lights up the room with his infectious smile, deep voice and love for everyone. He hates to sit still and loves hard, manual labor. I'm not sure how all those seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years have passed us by. I feel like I can remember them all. When he was little he couldn't wait to turn 8. That year came and went so fast. Then 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and now 19. At this time next year he will be 20! Don't blink❤️ Happy graduation day, Wyatt James Scott Youngblood, it's has been my pure joy to raise you, guide you, watch you accept Jesus into your heart, to homeschool you, laugh, cry and rejoice life's wins with you. Thank you for being mine. I praise God for trusting me to be your mom. God has big plans for you, trust Him❤️

Posted by codyaustin1980 at 2023-06-10 13:39:56 UTC