Gather 'Round's Cursive is taught in North American Birds (strokes and lowercase letters), Asia (uppercase and connecting), and Space (review). The rest of the units that have cursive books are all practice using the spelling/vocabulary words and copywork from the units (Upper Elementary level). NAB, Asia, and Space do not have to be done using their corresponding unit, the illustrations will just not match whatever unit you are doing. These units have cursive: Africa, Ancient Civilizations, Antarctica, Artists, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Botany, Careers and Trades, Creepy Crawly Things, Earth Science, Europe, Farming and Food, Human Body, Inventions and Ideas, North America, North American Birds, Oceans, South America, Space, and Transportation. The rest of the units have a cursive seatwork book available for cursive practice.

Posted by Jessica Brewster at 2024-03-14 10:53:04 UTC