I could really use some homeschool Mama encouragement and prayer. I’m feeling attacked and my heart is shaken. My 10th grader worked with the HS this year as a teachers aid in welding and he took Auto and Advanced Conditioning. He would like to continue it over the next 2 years. The school asked for his transcripts yesterday and I took them right over. They said they were beautiful and in perfect order. This morning the HS counselor called my son (NOT me) to ask a few questions. He let them know to contact me. The counselor said several very mean, rude and disrespectful things to me including “you are not a certified teacher, what leads you to think you are cut out to homeschool a high school student?” I thought my heart was going to explode! Tomorrow I have to take his work from 9th grade and go in front of the school board and turn in the work for them to go through. Then I have to turn in 10th grade at the end of May. I have to prove that he has learned at least 80% in each subject. I have zero doubt on our end but I don’t have much faith in the “system” and I cry very easily. I need prayers that I can represent Jesus, homeschool and my family well and not cry! I pray that they see his portfolio and realize he has learned above and beyond 80%. He has a 4.0 in his math, English and history here and a 3.89 at the HS. His is a good student and I’m a good teacher. However I am also very, very nervous. Fear is a lier right?
Posted by codyaustin1980 at 2024-03-28 21:16:52 UTC