Looking ahead at next year. We will probably be starting our next school year this summer. In Feb, our school year came to a screeching halt. My daughter was diagnosed with cancer. School was the last thing on my mind. It took me 2 months to get the mental bandwidth to even meal plan. Now, we are in our new normal routine. My daughter is “behind” in her 9th grade year. We will probably extend her 9th grade year for at least 6 months. I am ready to get back into some schooling, just to keep her from falling out of a school routine completely. My daughter should be finishing up treatments in August, and then We can focus on a full school day at that point. What would be the most fun, least “schooly” units to get us back into the swing of things?

Posted by homeschoolingmine at 2024-05-19 12:36:39 UTC