I jumped into Gather Round at the beginning of this calendar year (2024), because it was suggested by a homeschool mom friend of mine when I mentioned how difficult school was getting with another open and go curriculum I was using because each kid was doing so many different things. I noticed immediately that my kids were far more interested in learning because of the unit structure and interesting topics of GR. We've done a couple units but as I am looking ahead to our next school year I'm not sure how to plan for all the needs of my children or what direction to go. I have 4 children ages 12 (MS), 9 (UE), 7 (EE), and 3 (Pre-K) My questions are: How do you plan the whole year? Do you just ask your kids what units sound the most interesting to them? What if your children's interests don't align? Is there a method for planning that I may be missing? I will have a new middle schooler this year. I don't want to miss critical learning for her during this time. How do you transition to middle school work load? Do you add any expectations as your children get older (i.e. note taking by subject, or doubling down on units if your younger kids aren't interested in the subject matter)? If I am doing L+N with my little and adding a few things for my oldest, am I getting myself into the same boat I was in before by having too much going on? I don't want to overwhelm myself but I've also been taking a slightly more relaxed approach to schooling over the past few years because we were just getting started and I had a baby. This is my 4th year and I want this year to be full of academic successes, keep instilling lifelong learning, and not miss any valuable lessons because I wasn't well planned. I know this is a lot, so I really appreciate any and all feedback as well as your time to read all of my questions. Thanks so much :)
Posted by eanichols117 at 2024-08-01 03:27:00 UTC