Dear Everyone, Help, I need math advice. I've had trouble implementing any math I've tried. 6 kids here and I don't have alot of money to throw at a bunch more fails. Some have too many parts and pieces I can't keep track of. Some have too many problems for the kids to work or not enough explanation or too much extra fluff to not enough practical review. Recommendations for moms that are spread thin. My kids are grades pre k to 9th grade. Oh! Brain is like a ping pong ball. My husband works from home. I have a hard time bouncing from pre k to 6th to 1st and 9th grades in different curriculum. If they could all get in the same one so at least the flow wouldn't crunch my gears. That would be great. Chasing Unicorn's, Mary
Posted by livinthemin at 2024-12-28 02:04:38 UTC