Anyone here doing Rebeccas chronological Bible reading plan? I’d love to touch bases! • Where are you at? (No shame in Day 1!) • What has impacted you the most? Or what are recent revelations you’ve had? • How are you including your children in studying the Word? Daily reading or a separate devotional? I’m up to date so far. I’ve fallen behind once but caught up. I loved studying the symbolism behind the tabernacle in Leviticus! And I heard recently to read Judges as historical narrative instead of trying to find an application in it. This has changed my reading and is building the anticipation for David to come rule and establish righteousness, but ultimately it creates a longing for the Ultimate King to come! I do a devotional with my children but currently we’re going through a free Bible study from Answers in Genesis for kids. I’m considering doing More Than Words in the fall.

Posted by Deleted (eebde29c) at 2020-05-28 16:41:31 UTC