When I started thinking I could use GR for high school I did a bit of research since we have had our older kids use a homeschool umbrella school for their H.S. Transcripts. I’ve learned a thing or two now and know what colleges are looking for, and how to put together a high school portfolio, and where to get good science labs. We have one College Sophomore, one high school grad heading to college, and a HS junior as well as 8 other younger kids. I was really encouraged by this article from homeschool share blog called,”Unit Studies in High School”, and also from HSLDA which has a tremendous amount of free high school helps. We will be doing our transcripts through them from now on. I’d love to write about how I plan to use GR for our high school, what I plan to use for science labs, language requirements etc. someday!

Posted by Darcy Griffin at 2020-05-28 17:53:45 UTC