Anyone here use Teaching Texbooks for math? I have read through Rebecca’s Blog about math and am overwhelmed with the options. Since the spring we have just been using workbook pages from Chalkboard Publishing’s various math books but I feel we need to get kore serious about math. My 6.5 year is pretty smart and catches on quickly. My 8 year old is Dyslexic and doesn’t read very well on his own. He also has ADHD (he takes medicine) so he needs a bit more guidance. I need something engaging for him that doesn’t have endless word problems (he can’t read them). He is a combination learner, he does well with both visual and when I read the information as well (we watch a lot of YouTube videos relating to our daily GR lesson) and I read the lesson while projecting it on the TV.

Posted by Deleted (d3a160b3) at 2020-10-18 05:28:39 UTC