Alright, here's our high school plan for next year: 12th grader: -Dual Enrollment (DE): College Algebra, English 101 & 102, and either Concepts in Biology or American/National government (2 de classes per year) -ASL 3 (She wants to work with the Deaf community) -she's finished her history and will have math done too -For GR she'll follow along with us. she loves the activities and the information. She's my lifelong learner lover 11th grader: -DE: Biology, world history 101, American history or world history 102 -Honors American Lit (we use a separate curriculum for this to make it high school credit) -Advanced math (trigonometry) -several online drawing/graphic design classes -GR he'll do about the same as the 12th grader. we'll probably use lit that will follow the units we do, he'll also be responsible for the language arts portion. Social studies and geography will be required too. I love the GR writing. 9th grader: -Algebra 1 -General Lit (separate curriculum than gr) -Applied Engineering for science -Online coding classes -For GR-he'll do language arts and history with all the extension activities, any geography and social studies too. So basically, I am having them follow along and do the reading but most things they will not be required to complete. When we did Asia this spring, my oldest just naturally read through and did the missionary activities because she enjoyed it so much. I'm fairly certain my oldest two will go to college and pretty certain the third will. so, they have to have grades and transcripts and all of that fun stuff. I'm still learning constantly how to get all of that looking smart and pretty.

Posted by Ethos Academy at 2020-06-01 00:59:24 UTC