Considering starting a Gather ‘Round co-op in the Phoenix West Valley. Let me know if you’re interested! ☺️ UPDATE as of 8/14: After much deliberation and bouncing different possibilities around, I’m going to hold off and wait til next year to revisit starting the co-op. It’s not worth the Covid exposure risk to anyone, nor worth the frustration of trying to hold kiddos’ attention spans through a screen. A special shout-out to @deletedmember for helping me explore different ideas and scenarios, and in general being a great friend to brainstorm with. Much love to you all, and I’m absolutely open to hanging out and getting to know you and your families when it’s safe to do so. Blessings & Peace, Nikki

Posted by Deleted (e1003304) at 2020-06-02 01:18:18 UTC