Hello. I have three kids. my daughter on the spectrum (hfa) with dysgraphia, one with selective mutism (which is an anxiety disorder), and one with ADHD and dysgraphia. we are on week 2 of GRH. All have anxiety including myself. I am also moderate-profoundly hard of hearing and we are learning American sign language as a second language. we have some other dx's as well. After bouncing around from curriculum to curriculum we started CC for a year. my kids adored the tutor so much that when she decided to leave we followed. it took months for my sm son to even talk to her. we are doing a trial run of GRH over the summer to decide if we want to continue to do this together in the fall. after everything we have tried this has been a huge blessing to the kids. they want to do school. my daughter who has Hfa wants to do school. I mean it is crazy to me how much they want to do this.

Posted by Deleted (344c3b95) at 2020-06-03 19:50:07 UTC