Question! So I know every state is different but this has been on my mind a lot lately. I have definitely learned that I don’t like to really push (in a negative way) my children to deadlines of learning stuff. I want it to come naturally to them and click when their brain is ready to process it all. Public school systems obviously have expectations and standards set already (which I hated as a child and hated for my children): one of the main reasons why I chose to start homeschool my children. I currently live in HI now but we will be moving to SC more than likely this summer. In HI you just turn in a end of the year report card and write that they met each subject to satisfactory progress , and they only do standard testing for certain grades. Now my question/point is what if your child is not at that satisfactory level based on PS standards? Like for instance my son will be 8 in March and he’s not reading yet and struggles with time/dates he’s very hyper active and I’m Pretty sure he has ADHD. On the report cards that you submit to your state do you always put they are satisfactory even if they are not at their grade level for PS standards even if they really aren’t? When it comes to standardized testing when the kids take it and they don’t do well or the state sees they are behind what happens? Or if you have to tell them your child is not reading and has to take a verbal test but they expect an 8 year old to already be reading what happens? Does the state or school end up getting involved if they find your children in what they would consider behind? In HI they don’t do reviews unless the school asks and I only have to show proof of 2 pieces of work showing progression and HI is a pretty laid back state. I much prefer the state to stay out of my homeschool life as much as possible but I worry if my kids are never to what they consider their standards they would Think I’m not doing my part or not homeschooling. Anywho so there is my long question 🤣
Posted by Deleted (066b5c2d) at 2021-01-06 01:45:47 UTC