I have a dream, and I'm going to voice this dream. I know that not every idea I have happens (goodness, that would be a lot of things), but I also know that many big things I have believed and walked towards... impossible things... have happened! So, it may be an impossible dream, but we serve a God through which all things are possible! Dream with me. Pray with me. And if it does one day happen, be a part of the victory of that moment! If we ever get big enough, my dream is to offer homeschool internships, worship schools of ministry, and scholarships for homeschoolers. There is just such a hole in this area, who offers scholarships to homeschoolers? I want Gather 'Round to not just be about K-12, I want it to be the bridge to college and university or trades and apprenticeships, or godly marriages and parenting. We need godly people in business, in politics, in health care, in our schools, and raising up our next generation! How. cool. would. this. be? The truth is, I dream bigger than that even... I dream of Gather 'Round post secondary. Could you imagine? I like to keep my God-sized dreams close to my heart. But this is a big big one and I just feel like this one isn't just for me to carry nor just for me to pray into. I do feel like Gather 'Round is just the tip of the iceberg and I still don't think we've uncovered all that God wants to make it. But I do know that this is His. Every interview, every vision cast, every idea, every dollar, everything: it's all for Him, it's all from Him. He is at the helm, we're just on the boat my friends. And I am EXCITED to see where He steers us next. I hope you love this curriculum, I really hope you do. I know that it isn't for everyone. I know that the first year we learned a lot. I know that things are still being ironed out. But I also know that because this isn't "Rebecca's Ship" but God's... there are greater things to come. Things for us all to celebrate in as we watch the true testimony of what He wants to do come to fruition. Ah! Where is this coming from? I'm writing Easter, listening to worship music, and too excited to focus. So here we are. I feel Him moving, stirring, Easter is going to be something worth waiting for you guys. Stick around friends, the best is yet to come. I feel it in my bones. Love, Rebecca
Posted by Rebecca at Gather 'Round at 2021-02-07 00:20:59 UTC