I always said I would not be the homeschooler who prints and binds her own books.... Well my proclick system shipped today and I plan on printing next week. I have never done this before. I haven’t even opened the email with my downloads in it yet. I did print off the sample of Indigenous Peoples. All I did was select print back to back and it did just that BUT when I went to give them to my children the back to back printing seemed to cause some issues. Like the last page of one notebook was on the same page as someone else’s first page and the cutout activity pages were printed on back of a map they needed to keep. Has anyone else run into similar problems when printing back to back. What are some other printing issues you had at home that you can help me avoid?! Thank you for all the printing hacks you can share!

Posted by Danielle Eley at 2020-06-06 23:36:59 UTC